Lunching the Health, Safety and Environment Days of Lafarge Jordan


Under the sponsorship of the CCEO of Lafarge Jordan, Samaan Samaan, the annual employees meeting at the Rashadeya plant took place on Sunday, October 15, 2023.  Attended by all employees from all company locations in launching Health, Safety and Environment Days of Lafarge Jordan, during which employees were shared with the new health, safety and environment policy and rules. During the meeting, the CCEO emphasized the importance of being committed to the highest level of health and safety, quality, and environmental standards. He also shared the company's achievements, challenges, priorities, and future plans, providing an opportunity for exchange and discussions between the senior management and employees in an atmosphere filled with enthusiasm and positive spirit.

Everyone listened to the group CEO message, Jan Jenisch, in which he stressed the importance of moving from Volume to Value while being the most reputable company in the construction field when it comes to sustainability.

And then the Plant Manager, Eng. Ayman AL-LAYMOUN, presented the significant achievements of the plant and the challenges it faces. The Cement HR manager Eng. Wasfi QTEISHAT addressed the importance of employees to actively participate in the Gallup survey.

The meeting also included an open discussion with the CCEO, followed by honoring a group of employees who made significant contributions to the company's initiatives in 2023.  In addition to honoring the three longest-serving employees in the company from various locations.




