International Mobility


Lafarge encourages geographical and professional mobility. Long or short-term international assignments, internal promotions or simply a change of role... Your personal and professional development is important to us.


Make your own career

There is no such thing as a pre-determined career path at Lafarge! Everyone builds their own rich and diversified career portfolio. Whether it is a question of geography, hierarchy or professional development, you hold the keys to your success!


A sustainable career can be built by belonging to a profession, developing skills appropriate to each role you occupy, and having the interest and determination to follow the professional path you choose.


We don't set rules about the amount of time you should spend in a given role. Depending on the profession, the amount of time needed to achieve a high level of performance and expertise can vary.


12% of Lafarge's executives already have international experience. This proportion is expected to double over the next five years. A number of options also exist if you are looking to change jobs.

A range of ways to boost your career

The Group is committed to total transparency concerning job vacancies. Employees have access to internal job offers for all countries thanks to the "Job Center", available on the intranet.


You'll also enjoy opportunities to talk openly with the Human Resources department and your manager. These discussions will help you regularly evaluate your professional progression.


Assessment and self-assessment tools can be a useful way to understand your managerial aptitudes, behavioral skills and employment preferences!

Assessment and improvement

Lafarge has developed a number of assessment and improvement tools:

  • the annual assessment interview allows each employee to receive career development guidance from his or her manager. The interview covers the employee's strong points as well as any areas that need improvement, such as technical skills or leadership,
  • this interview is also the basis for establishing an Individual Development Plan. where each employee identifies his or her key development targets with guidance from their manager,
  • employees can participate in a 360° process in which managers and colleagues provide constructive feedback that helps the employee improve and move towards excellence.

Changing direction

At Lafarge, it's not unusual for a Spanish operational manager to become a branch manager at the French headquarters, or for an engineer to take charge of a Human Resources department. Transversal links between professions are strongly encouraged and Lafarge offers training to ensure transfers go well.